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So, a little bit about me...

I'm originally from the UK and took a gap year from University (as most poms do) and met Adam!

Since then we've travelled, got some land, some fur-babies and our family is now complete with our 3 beautiful girls.


I'm a big kid at heart and I figure; you only live once, so live it loud, proud and have fun!


Why did I become a celebrant, I hear you ask?


I've always worked in Customer Care and found that I always wanted a little bit more... I wanted to do more and help those who I came in contact with.

Being a receptionist at a Resort in Mooloolaba, I helped out this beautiful Bride and Groom to-be and it was them that planted the seed for me.

I've been a qualified Civil Marriage Celebrant since 2014 and I love it.


Since then I have worked part time whilst caring for my children with my Celebrant work being my little hobby.

Being part of your day, whether it be for a special occasion like a Wedding, or one of the hardest times like a FuneralIts truly an honor to be chosen to help you and be there for you through out the process.


Think that I might be the Celebrant for you?

Well, tell me a bit about yourself!!!


Head over to the contacts section, I look forward to hearing from you soon.


♥ ♥ ♥

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